A Players Ego can kill the Poker Game

A Players Ego can kill the Poker Game

When you start playing poker, you will surely lose many games. Yes, you can have a good hand here and there; you can even play it right and win some games. However, it is very important that you focus on yourself and understand that at some point you will be required to win if you continue to play. Many people lose their chances of further improving their game as they move forward. They win one or two games and suddenly think that they are professionals.

As soon as they enter this mentality, for them it is a difficult struggle to get out of it.

The problem with the big ego is that you are too absorbed in yourself and how big you are to not see the reality that sits in front of you. You may have a relationship “I’m too good to lose.” This works great for those who play because they can earn your money. However, this works very poorly for you. He not only loses his money, but he is also too involved to continue to study. This way, you lose your Domino99 experience and stay on the same level for a long time until you lose your ego journey.

You must be careful to take this advice seriously; a great ego can really ruin your game. You must stay balanced in the game. Take every game as it is. You must understand that you can lose; it is quite possible. Believe it or not, you will lose more than you earn. For many people, poker can be a difficult game to be really good. This is not only because the ego can interfere, but also pride. A proud person must overcome most of his pride in order to improve his game. They must understand that folding is part of the game. They should also understand that losing is part of winning. It is the same with the ego.


It is important to remember that each game can be used by you as an educational process. Regardless of whether you win or lose, try to find something you can learn from this game and put it into practice in the future. When your ego controls you, you will not. Instead, it is in the mental structure that you will learn everything you need. This is a very dangerous place for a poker player. Therefore, you will want to make control of your ego one of the basic rules of poker. This will help you achieve what you want, much easier and faster than if you tried to achieve this by carrying a huge ego on your shoulders.